Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Power of Love

Imagine how powerful love is.
It does not just choose elites to linger on but rather creeps to those who are less fortunate and illiterates. It just depends on what perspective you look into it.
Intellectuals, probably, have plenty of explanations how it happens and what to do with it. But love sometimes can cripple an individual.
Some may fight and declare, "it is mind over matter". Even turn their backs in order to pursue their dreams. Others might choose to succumb to their parents' will.
I always believe, that if an individual is given options to choose from and does not entertain thoughts of having someone cuddle her/im at night. Argue over petty things and out-wit each other, will then, s/he'll reach the peak of her/is career..probably.But as I have seen some part of the world, saw different races, different faces and different beliefs, I strongly adhere that God created a woman from a man's rib and therefore bottom line, we can not live alone!
Whatever views we have, each of us need a partner. Regardless, people throw arguments and debate over sexes, I will always respect those who have surrendered fully to the calling of LOVE.
I have heard others, friends or foe, questioning my decision of marrying my husband. Well, we are humans. We were given brains to use for thinking. Eyes to see things and mouth to speak. People who probably, see others as odd.
When I was younger and wanted to please everybody, I always explained the length of my life story though I knew, it didn't matter. They have put judgment in between us already.
Nowadays, as I recalled everything that happened. My life pattern. God's plan and all, I just think of certain circumstances, those people have experienced. Why do they keep on looking at me under their scrupulous eyes and not aware that they too are being watched.
They have skeletons of their own. Playing fire at the back of their spouses. Stole something no one knows. Declare they're Christians but are they really, outside of the church?
Love is not just for couples, I should say. It's how you respect one soul in this planet.
I had been a subject of ridicule that's why I do not allow someone spitting at my name.
I heard how others are passing judgment about someone and what s/he has done. I was even part of the speakers. Then, again, my conscience automatically snap and tells me, am I that clean to say something ill of others.
I speak with different people, degrees,profession,views and choices. The best way to gather their wits out is to talk about love, their families and something to feed their ego.
There's my hairdresser for 4 years now and he's with someone who called himself straight. They were together for 2 years now. So, love conquers all? They were ridiculed, maligned verbally but they stood with their rights to love. I can not even tell them about Adam and Eve without stepping on their feelings. I believe God created us all fairly and have our own free will but love is one greatest gift God has given us, am I to cast the stone?
I have friends who were mistresses. As a friend, I blatantly pointed out the truth. Hurt their feelings in some way but did I win? No! I appeared know-it-all. Harsh. Tactless. I didn't know where to put myself. But as I saw them eye to eye, they were happy. But I knew, they deserved that happiness but not to the expense of others. Somewhere, someone was crying.
I can only say much but I don't hold their decisions.
But love? What really is it?
I have friends who have partners for many years already. They were separated and yet back to each others' arms. I believe, love, like flowers, once tended with respect will always flourish. Friendship is one factor in particular that cultivates love.
I have mine, in a whirlwind romance, two opposing minds and yet we're still here ready to make amends and anchored our relationship with friendship.
Not easy though but we 're really trying hard.
I saw a couple tending 6 young kids. Soiled clothes. Dirty nails. The eldest is around 13. They live in a 1X3 cart with tattered tarpuline serving as their shelter and extension of triangle plastic built as tent. It's possible. That love lingers even with empty stomach.
There are filthy rich individuals but served their idioms then, life with filth. Love is never an option to them. Sometimes, when maturity creeps in, they look for love in haste.
Love never is an option. It is a necessity.
It is always good to have someone carry the stress for you. Argument on petty things, seems foolish but a very good sharpening of each other's wit. It's where you understood each other's frailties. It's where you draw views and understand your behavior some more.
Love is sparing what you have to eat in order to take away hunger from your child.
Love is hurting your friend just to shake the reasons out of them.
Love is being with your partner regardless what cunning individuals are saying about him/er.
Love is opening your soul to someone and let him/er peek on your life and see what's inside.
Love is sacrificing your own happiness and comfort for someone without expecting something in return.
Love is being deaf with the harsh words of others judgment and never explain yourself because you will surely drag someone's name to pit.
Love lingers into the heart of those who are ready to yield into the calling of sacrifice.
To cry your heart out when you're in pain, complain when you are tired, snap when you are uncomfortable but ready to say yes whenever you are asked to say it. That's the power of love!

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