Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Drama in Real Life

You have been part of the orchestrated plan. 
You played your part so well and even cried the pain deeply under the cover of your bed. You laughed at the most corny jokes and the touches made you tingled all over. 
That kisses on the forehead, which you have been so long dreamt to be done to you. 
The smelling of your hair. 
The way the fingers comb your hair and small kisses on your temple. 
Sleeping holding hands with your fingers interlocking each of his. 
Waking up mornings with a smile and big hugs. 
Pages of fictions are crumpled and there are chosen pages which have bookmarked, probably those lines where you have related to. 
Prior, you had lived in a world of what you believed was composed of fate or destiny or kermit. You caged yourself in the status where you thought was divine intervened. 
You tried gracing the world according to the norm that was dictated by the society you belonged. Despite all the tears and longingness, you had that strong belief that you were just acting your best part.  You perceived your life as something fatally fated and there was no turning back. Despite all the bruises, dilemmas and struggles, you instilled in your mind that the pit you were once into was your whole life. That you had to abide with the doctrines and you had to act the pledged you had once. 
Others will not believe the sufferings you had gone through. People will always say what they want according to the perspective they stubbornly wanted to see. They will never look at your view because they deliberately angled their sight slightly differ from yours. They would never fit in your shoes because they too are living the normal way of what they are being dictated to. They will never believe that love never existed but the sole reason of staying was you tried hard to fall but there were closed windows and doors.
You swallowed up everything. There was a banquet which you were not free to choose but to grab everything and just burp the nasty taste and snatch out again. Character, cultures, pride, doctrines and traditions. And yes you were even blind-folded. Noone dictated. You had your own free will. Yes to everything! Just making sure you had pleased everybody. But the mere fact that you already unleashed yourself from the surreal world, are you going to tie yourself again. 
Like.. Again? 
It was a multi-faceted drama in real life. Friends had seen you struggle getting out of the tight close-knitted tapestry. But how you took steps away was the beginning of your solo performance. It was all beam balancing and you fell, several times and spectators were there to rejoice every downfall you had.
You dealt with several tachycardia attacks before you finally found the hands who pulled you through the hole. 
It was a life worth living because it comprised and contributed fragments of the whole new you. 
You equipped yourself with the gears you thought you would never need and you found a prince for your Cinderella self.  You weaved a lie amidst the truth. And the utmost happiness you feel is all you have held on to. But checking the bitter sweet reality, you are screwing up everything. 
Again, it was a whole orchestrated life.
Are you trying to relive a history? 
Never look back. 
Jump out of the train for you are stepping on the same shit! 
That is how movies should be. 
Not always a happy ending.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

First Day of 2014

2013 said goodbye already but the memories stay on, it's up to you how to deal with it whenever they come rushing to your door called consciousness.

Scent, scene, music.. They all create that sudden hold up and you just stare blankly as if you were transported back in time. De javu you say but it's not. Those are memories stored in your subconscious already and being released gradually. There are also night you think you have sequelled dreams but it is more of subconscious on the move.

Our subconscious is the memory keeper of our brain. Too powerful once you unleash the true power and you know how to deal with it. All you say, think and write are all stored in your subconscious. And yes, dreams can be the product of too much thinking or better yet, day dreaming. Though there are aplenty of explanations why dreams occur. 

The year that was. All those happenings will be left in closed book unless you keep on flipping the pages of the past. Whatever had happened to you good or bad, remember to be open to change this year. 

There are 365 days in one year, will you allow even a single day to be stolen because you will be held captive of your what-ifs? Let go! Do not regret anything that you have done because at some point that same regret you have now had been your source of smile back then. We are not a product of circumstance but our own decisions. We step to the right or left is pushed by our choices. We maneuver our lives. The time you realized what wrong have you done, try analyzing in depth and avoid commiting the same mistake because the second you did it again, it's already stupidity. 

Advice is often we give freely but we can not freely accept once the situation strikes back at us. But learn to step back and watch your life like a movie not just seeing others on a one way mirror. 

Most often than not, once there's an unsolicited advice, we tend to let go, become defensive and elated. But check your age, status and where are you already, look back, would you allow yourself to be hung again. Also, check on your support system. Are they holding on or letting you also go because what you're doing is plain childishness? 

Strike a pose. Sit down. Think.

Life is how you make it. It is composed of your choices. 

2013 is gone. 

2014 is here. 


Renew friendship with friends who never judged your character and who are there despite the darkness you felt.

Revisit your inner self.


If relationship is worth saving, time to reconsider but it is also time to eliminate all those who make you feel like junk.

Memories will linger.

It's up to you what to entertain and which ones to block. 


Soon, you will get used to what memories you will allow your subconscious to uncork and absorb and those to be unleased and dismissed.