Monday, May 16, 2016


Love is a choice

Love gives us direction. Just like the mobile app waze, it gives you the easy route but you track the familiar path. Not putting trust to the blinking guide which tells you to take a left instead of right. When you found yourself at the wrong end, the map will give you another option and another and another in favor of your choice. You see, it will always be you who is the master of your own charade.

Choice. It's one big word which applies to the vastness of how we perceive everything. But our mind is equipped to create, reset and revise whatever we have conceptualized previously. Within us there is that battle of who is right. But that small voice tells you to follow the safest route which will always lead you to mediocrity and the complicated one to victory. Why? Because we always want to prove something to ourselves. That we can live independently and we don't need anybody. Once a circumstance arises and posts a challenge we tend to slither our way to finish line even if we scrape our knees in the process and touch the line bleeding.

In any relationship, some of us are squares trying to fit in a different shape someone has created. And we try fitting in desperately despite our intuition has raised the white flag of surrender and retreat.

We tend to create a life for us where we employ too much rational thinking inorder to convince another side of ourselves that yes we are doing things veraciously.

Abusive relationship never succeeded without the two of you dancing one tune. One party inflict pain and the other is a taker. Hoping against hope by tomorrow all will be well and there will be flood of hugs and kisses. The rejections fuel you to stay and nail your feet on the ground and a single touch from the aggressor leads you to burn and cry for release and spew venomless forgiveness. Giving power to your abuser that yes, he owns you and he is a demigod.

Choice. It is a freewill and you dragged yourself to your situation. Among abused women, very few grows their backbone and wings. Seldom you see empowered women who knew what they wanted. Mostly you would hear, they were left with no choice. And that's what they carry with them. And they looked at love as the focal point of their existence. The wrong way. Love, always, is the most humble, loyal and benevolent concern to another human.

Love is a choice. It is what you give to yourself in a scale of 1 to 10 and oftentimes, we give 8 to 10 to someone and 2-5 to ourselves because of our selfish desire to be selfless. And mind you, we feel good about being tagged as devout lover whilst the screaming of freedom behind closed doors.

While growing up, when we haven't witnessed humble love, we will grow competing for attention. For affection and once we have it we scrape the height for more because we will never be satisfied.   And then the race takes place. It is where we need to slow down. Our life is never dependent with anybody. The power is within us. It's our choice how we maneuver the wheels according to our choices. We can live alone but time and about, somebody will show up and amass your strength altogether and put you on your knees. When the honey turned sour, you will be left with only two options, get up and create an empire or crawl and dig your own grave.

Because love is a choice.

Love yourself first before anybody else because at the end of the road, it's only you who knows how to climb up that wall because there will always be a way out never a deadend.

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