Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Been meditating for a week now yet I have not perfected the total calmness and silence. I realized I have a multifaceted life. Kaleidoscope. Chasm. Good that I have pulled myself back together before I lost totally to the hollow of a dark pit.

Based on the teachings of how to meditate, you really have to free yourself of any qualms, anxiety and worries before you start your meditation. If you intend to meditate and focus on something like work, love, health etc, you have to reconcile with that thought before shutting down your senses to silence. You can not achieve total oneness to your being if you have your conscious mind still open with your closed eyes. Big no!

That's what I was saying, earlier. I did prepare for the meditation. I freed my mind of any aberration and yet, my awareness of the outside world swept me away from the abyss I was trying to walk through.

Shut the thought down. Focus on your breathing. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and back again to 1. Count the inhale, exhale as one. Lock your eyeballs to something like a white circle, blue whatever. Your mind will always play trick on you. All geometric lines will visit your closed lids. That's why it is also advisable to have eye covers. If you can totally collapse everything to silence, purrrfect!

My first few meditations were guided. Mostly guided.

One most helpful is the sleep meditation where you will be set to slumber. Your consciouness will be closed to any distractions including noises except for the voice guiding you throughout the meditation. Use earpiece by the way. Submit yourself fully. Relax and let your subconcious take over.

Subconscious is the record keeper of our mind. Everything is stored in it including what is not spoken. All the thoughts, actions and feelings you have on your conscious state are stored on your subconscious and this guided sleep meditation interact with it.

At first and for beginners, we need to be piloted. Read. Research or watch videos regarding meditation. Perfecting oneness with your whole being will really take some time. Long time probably depends on how you put up with your purpose.

Be patient.

I have done this everyday since last week.

One short in the morning, 10 minutes.

Set your alarm.

Put music or find a quiet place or find a natural source of sound, water, morning breeze, birds chirping whatever is available. There are so many available meditation music and sounds on Youtube, explore it.

But do not start meditation with empty or full stomach. It might also cause some interference. Feel and fill your body's need before you begin.

I do another meditation in the evening, 2 hours after dinner. After my 30 minute exercise. I do 20 minute of silence. Breath in and out. Focus. Be aware of the complete element of your body.

It helps made me calm. I am more aware of my self now. I have to perfect total silence yet but this abeyance is already an achievement. Even monks have difficulty starting so I am not a failure.

Through meditation you will realize that you are special as everybody else. You will respect yourself more. And you will acknowledge you are not inferior to anybody. That beyond self image, you know who you are.

Gradually, you will be aware that the energy you have spent living in this world is not futile. You might think of some bad occurence and consequences but they are part of the whole process. That element has traveled the whole universe. You still have exuberant time to haul yourself back together and be the ace that you have yearned to be.

And when you discover that you have power within you, jump start and be fueled to start anew.

New life.

New you.

Living one day at a time.

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